Construire des infrastructures rurales
Les années à venir nous verront maintenir nos initiatives d'infrastructures rurales
Elimination of child labour
Since Day 1, we have eliminated all forms of oppressive child labour in our supply chain.
Pour la biodiversité
C’est une fierté aujourd’hui d'avoir investit du temps et des ressources afin de participer à la reforestation…
Protection from forest fires
At every onset of the dry season, our teams at #kkointernational reinforce fire safety barriers…
How do we do traceable?
urgency to bring decisive changes to legacy #supplychain within #cocoa is pressing.
COVID sensibilisation
En ces temps exceptionnellement difficiles, nous tenons à vous rassurer
Our milestones
At #kkointernational - we aim to reach close to a million trees new trees, using intercropping
Child labour
#childlabour exists but it is being fought against albeit with mitigating results.
A balanced ecosystem
We have settled on 1HA of #cocoa = 1HA of #coffee = 1HA of new forest…
Made in Ivory Coast
The sheer joy on this 5 year old’s face as she tasted our #treetobar samples for the first time.
+ farmer income = + productivity
The idea, that a well-off farmer is the best sustainable investment is hopefully catching on.
Achieving Gender Parity
Alongwith #childlabour and #reforestation, #genderparity remains our primary goal.